Of Icy Roads and Snowy Banks

If you’ve ever gotten stuck in a snow bank or skidded on an icy roadway, you know firsthand some of the risks of winter driving. In fact, about 17 percent of all crashes occur during winter conditions.

Icy or snowy roads, cold temperatures and short daylight hours are all good reasons for taking extra care when taking your car out this winter. Here are some suggestions:

Do a review. Before you go, check your battery, as the power can drop when the temperature goes down. Ensure your wipers are working well, and you have enough wiper fluid and coolant. Clear snow and dirt off windows, sensors and lights. Also clear snow off your car’s hood, so it doesn’t slide into the road when you’re driving.

Stock and store. To keep your car safe to drive during unexpected conditions, keep in the car a shovel, broom and ice scraper. You might also store abrasive material such as sand or kitty litter for putting under the wheels if the car gets stuck in the snow. Jumper cables, flashlight and warning flares or markers are also important to have on hand.

Road test. Consider practicing driving on icy roads in a parking lot first to test your control before venturing out onto a main road.

Steady as she goes. Go slower when the conditions are “iffy.” Allow more distance than normal between you and the car in front so you will be able to stop safely. Give yourself more time to get where you need to go. And drive with your low beam headlights in snowy and other poor visibility conditions.

Skid safety. If you feel yourself going into a skid, take your foot off the gas. Steer in the direction the rear of the car is skidding. Hold the steering wheel firmly and gently regain control of the car.

Don’t plow ahead.
Be careful around snow plows, which travel slowly. It’s too risky to pass them on the left because of blowing snow. And passing on the right can put you in the path of flying rocks. It’s best to stay far behind


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About Sandie Wilz
Sandie (Sandra) Wilz is the owner and an agent at Eastling Insurance in Manawa, Wisconsin. She is passionate about educating clients and prospects on what their insurance coverages mean and how having the correct coverage can give the client the peace of mind they would expect from their insurance protection. Sandie can be reached at (920) 596-3355.
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